Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Quiet Time

Well… I’m failing at blogging… ugh!  It’s really on my heart to do it though! There a few bloggers that I follow and man I wish I can write like them! They are so inspiring and gifted….Wow! Just from their writings I can see how humble they are, how down to earth, how funny, how sincere, how grateful, how lovely, and that they are truly “God’s Girl”. Dang it! Anyways, Have I mention that India is right around the corner? EEKK! I am getting so excited. Lord, I trust and believe that great things are in store for me as well as the team! So, as India approaches I am trying to press into God. I find myself getting distracted lately… I also find myself that I have to drag myself into God’s presence which saddens me. I am happy to know though that God is faithful and his grace is new daily. I love the song Take My Life by Third Day! Every time I listen to it pierces right through my heart, man it shatters me. So, as I prepare myself for this journey I can across something online that I was intrigued by.... 5 disciplines and 5 challenges in 5 weeks. The series already happened but I wanted to know what kind of disciplines and challenges so I kept on reading more and more. One thing that really stood out as I was reading that God doesn’t command us quiet time daily. Some of the examples that she mentioned where:

~Jesus got alone early in the morning with God to pray. (Mark 1:35)

~Daniel – a tenacious man of discipline – prayed three times a day – morning, noon and night. (Daniel 6:10)

~David – the writer of the Psalms – poured out his heart to God in all seasons of life – morning, noon, night, in times of fear, weakness, sadness, joy and delight. (from

I like this. I like that I can commune with God whenever/however as long as I am clinging to him. I like Courtney style of writing. Its easy to read and I get it.  I like how she mentions that we are consumed with distraction in this world. We live in a society that is fast paced, with fast food, and good ol’ face book. Facebook is a whole different topic for me. Why is that I check facebook more than I check in with God’s word? God himself? A small conviction is starting to grow within me. I am curious how much time I spend online. I wonder? Hmmm. Perhaps I’ll do a little experiment on it and see and blog about it. Anyways, back to seeking/spending time with God. I wonder if anyone else struggles with this? I am sure some do. However, I hate that there are seasons where I’m eating/breathing/living like Jesus (trying to that is) and then there’s seasons where you feel like well it’s just the Bible I can read it tomorrow…. Then a several days go by. Ugh!  I am thankful that God gives us convictions. I am glad he never forsakes us. I am amazed that he still loves me. I am grateful that he calls me his beloved even though I fail him.  

Scripture verse: Proverbs 3:3

Song choice: Take My Life: Third Day

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